Monday, April 30, 2007


Mom (grandma) had her surgery today and came through it with no problems. She was only under for 45 minutes and the surgery was less invasive than originally expected, so her recovery time will be quicker. I stayed with her til 8pm and since she was doing so well--pain under control, up in chair eating and drinking, able to get up to the bathroom--and plus the fact that she was the only patient to spend the night on the extended recovery unit and there were two nurses on duty (one with whom I worked on Peds for years), I felt comfortable coming home to sleep tonight. Will pick her up tomorrow at 7am and spend the day (maybe the night)with her. ( Sorry about that run- on sentence.) Will keep you posted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky:

Was wondering how things went.

Happy to hear all is well.
