Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Rain Rain Go Away

Yes, it is April (the month of showers) -- also tornado season in the midwest. We had an all too brief, early taste of spring a couple of weeks ago with temps in the 70's and were all excited about getting outside and working in the yard...then a cold front came through and temps dropped into the 20's and all the daffodils and other early bloomers drooped over. We even had snow flurries. Now the rains have hit. There is a tornado warning out as I write this. It looks like it is a bit south and east of us now. Thank God. ( John just mowed yesterday--probably by tomorrow, after all this rain, it'll look like it needs mowing again. )

John's parents' house sold to the used car lot nextdoor to them. We have to go to probate first before closing. We've been over there alot in recent weeks cleaning out the house, closets, etc.
What a job. It is emotional, too. We think that once sold, the house will be demolished--which is fine with family--it'll be easier not to see someone else living in that house--or even to have to drive by the house.

Phyllis starts her new chemo regime next week--she had to wean off of her antidepressant because it is contraindicated. Pray that she can keep her spirits up and will be able to eat, drink and sleep in order to keep up her strength.

Once the Williams' estate business is finalized, we are planning a trip to Florida, followed by a trip to Colorado to be with Phyllis. Looking forward to both.

Hope to hear from you soon.

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