Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tux watching kitties

Here is Tux at the back door, watching Cheddar.
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Ivory is beginning to look better nourished now that she comes once or twice a day for meals. She is also feeling comfortable enough to stick around, sometimes all day and evening...grooming, napping, doing her business, etc. Just today, she finally let me pet her...a break-through.
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Here is Cheddar, at our back door, meowing for his supper. He has made a complete turnaround from being a skittish, run- when- he- saw- or- heard- us, kitty to an affectionate guy that loves to be petted and jumps up onto our laps for snuggling, kneading, petting, grooming.

Right now, he and Tux are getting to know each other through the front and back doors. Sometimes, they just sit and stare at each other...other times Cheddar growls and hisses at Tux, who backs down...then Tux's tail rapidly thrashes back and forth. They definitely are not ready to be together.
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