Sunday, March 9, 2008

Back from Sunny, Warm Florida

Mom and I returned from Florida Tuesday...from 70's to 30's in two hours. What a shock to our systems. We had a great visit with kids and grandkids, got plenty of exercise, went to the beach, celebrated Michael's 17th birthday, stayed with each of the kids, saw dance classes, basketball game, jog-a-thon, had lunch with grandkids at school, etc., etc., etc.
I took 200+ photos on my digital camera. While we waited in the airport terminal, I thought I'd kill some time and delete the bad photos. Somewhere along the line, I accidentally deleted all of my I have nothing to show...and there was alot to see. Oh well, I won't do that again. Next time, I'll wait to delete after I've downloaded them onto my computer. Unfortunately, now I won't be able to burn cds to send to the kids and to show to friends and family. Live and learn.

A New Bed???

Tux is getting very creative about where he chooses to nap. The other night, he climbed into the bathroom sink when we were getting ready to go to bed.
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