Saturday, September 29, 2007

A Little Too Much Excitement for Me...

Thursday, Mom's next-door neighbor and dear friend, Dorothy, called to say that Mom had fallen and cut her eyebrow and would probably need stitches. John and I immediately went over to see how Mom was. She had passed out and her glasses had cut her below her right brow. We took her to the hospital, anticipating a few stitches and maybe a cat scan to make sure she had no fractures...but lo and behold...when they took her vital signs in the triage room, her heart rate was 188!! Not good. They immediately took her back and placed her on a monitor, got the doctor in the room and started an IV so they could administer a drug to bring her heart rate down and restore her to a normal sinus rhythm. They were successful. Then she developed another abnormal rhythm. So they gave her another IV med by slow drip to regulate her heart rhythm. They admitted her to the PCU. She spent the night and then on Friday, she had an echocardiagram and a couple stress tests (not exercise induced, but drug induced). The cardialogist said her tests came out fine and that she could be discharged home on the new med to keep her from having these abnormal rhythms again. She is bruised around her eye and her cheek is swollen and bruised. She had 3 stitches to her laceration. But she is glad to be back home and other than feeling pretty tired, she is ok. I told her to lay low for a few days and to get her strength back. She agreed to stay out of trouble.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Lucky and Tux--Friends at last

We took Tux with us over to Jean and Gregg's for a visit...his first outing other than to the Vets. When he first saw Lucky, he was really interested and wary. Then, as I carried him into the house, he hissed twice at Lucky (we never heard him hiss before!!). Once inside, as Lucky approached Tux, it was hillarious...Tux hunched his back--he looked like a Halloween Black Cat. After about 10 minutes, when he realized that Lucky was no threat, he became very comfortable around him. It was fun to watch.
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Tux Meets Fred

After viewing each other from a distance (Fred on the outside, Tux on the inside of Jean's house), Fred came inside. He meowed for quite some time and kept his distance--then he hissed at Tux--then he crawled up on the couch as you see them now.

This was after Tux got acquainted with Lucky, Jean and Gregg's dog first.
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Thursday, September 20, 2007

Playing in the Dryer

Tux climbed into the dryer after I took out a load of laundry.
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Another "in the bag" picture
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He's "In the Bag"

Tux chasing his mouse out of the shopping bag. Too cute.
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When's the Last Time You've Seen a Praying Mantis?

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Monday, September 10, 2007

Four Beauties

Phyllis, Toby, Mom and I after lunch at the Cracker Barrel in Shelbyville. See how wonderful Phyllis looks.
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A Trip Down Memory Lane

Saturday, Mom, Phyllis, Toby and I drove down to Shelbyville for a sentimental journey. We met with Jim Lieland (our cousin from Rushville) and enjoyed a lunch at Cracker Barrel and memory book ( that Jim compiled) and had a great visit with him.

After that, we drove by all the old familiar places and reminisced. We were able to meet the current owner of the house on Vine Street and he took us through it--he is in the process of rennovating it, hoping to restore it to how it was when we lived there.

We also visited with one of Mom's dear friends and caught up on family goings on.
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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The Bees Love my Live Forevers

This is out of focus--tried to zoom in to get the bees close up, but turned out unclear. You get the idea, though.
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My Live Forevers (Cedum) Are in Bloom

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