Monday, July 30, 2007


Katelyn sometimes just can't contain her exuberance as evidenced by this spontaneous show of affection toward Zach.
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Katelyn and Zachary Riding Tandem

Katelyn and Zachary have been best friends since they were toddlers--they love each other's company and have such good times together.
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Sunday, July 29, 2007

Girley Girls

Kristen, Mackenzie and Hailey (David and Kim's three daughters) having fun.
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Three Cuties

I was going through my photo albums and found this photo.It was taken at the Butterfly Garden at the Indianapolis Zoo last summer when Phyllis was in town. Can't wait til she is feeling this good again.
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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Jay and Karen are Coming for a Visit

Monday, Jay and Karen are arriving in Indianapolis for a week's visit. We are all looking forward to seeing them. Jay will be celebrating his 60th birthday while they are here. J. P. and Lauren are going to have a family gathering on the 4th. Hopefully, Guy, Jill and the little ones will be able to come from Valparaiso. Jay and Karen will be staying with Mom (Grandma). She is excited to have them.

Toby is Colorado Bound

Sunday, Toby leaves for Colorado to spend a week with Phyllis. She is looking forward to going and Phyllis is pleased that she is coming. Right now, Phyllis is weaning off the antidepressants that did not work before she can resume her Nardil. Keep prayers going so that her depression lifts soon. She is currently starting her third of seven weeks of Radiation. So far so good. Will keep you posted.

Sister's Study

Toby and I are participating in a 10 year study of sisters of women with breast cancer--to determine what roles heredity, environment and lifestyle play in the chances of a woman getting breast cancer. There are 50,000 women from all races, ethnic, geographic backgrounds involved in this study. We are happy to do it, and hope one day it will help lead to a cure.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

My Phlox

My phlox are in bloom now and are so frangrant. I'm hoping to be able to get some starts off this one and plant them elsewhere in the yard.
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Rosebush from John's folks'

We transplanted this rosebush from John's folks' house before it was turned over to the buyer. It did not tolerate the shock of the transplant and all the leaves died. It was about 6 feet tall and had red roses. So, when I got back from Colorado, inspite of having used new soil and rose food, it was on its last leg. There were only a couple of canes that still had some green. So I pruned it back and cut off the dead canes. Look at the new growth now. Can't wait til next year, or maybe even this fall, for roses. It'll be a wonderful tribute to John's parents and a beautiful remembrance.
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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Phyllis' Current Status

She is still battling depression--none of the new meds she's tried have worked--so they are going to put her back on Nardil--the one that did work, but has so many restrictions regarding foods and meds. Keep her in your prayers.

She started Radiation last Thursday. She said it'll be a couple of weeks before she notices any fatigue from that. She drives down to the Springs every morning M-F for her Radiation Therapy.

Keep those prayers and cards of encouragement coming. They really help.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

America's Next Top Model

And here is Arlene (aka grandma) modeling the latest fashion in male swimware (Michael's swim trunks) -- note the perfect fit. Looks like they were custom made just for her!!! They accentuate her youthful figure, don't ya think? Very flattering, to say the least.
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A motley crew

John with his farmer's tan, Kristen, Michael and grandma...all so full of vim and vigor...rarin' to go...where?? Out to dinner.
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Ho Hum...

Michael and Kristen sitting with G'ma after a dip in her pool.
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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Good News for Phyllis

When we took her to see her oncologist, all her labs were back within normal range--so now she can go to church and be around lots of people without the worry that she may get sick.

Her surgeon said she got clean margins when she excised more breast tissue after her chemo was finished. Biopsies were negative.

Her Psychiatrist is trying a third medication for depression since they would like to keep her off the Nardil if at all possible because of the many interactions it has with so many foods and drugs.

So far, our prayers have been answered, But now we need to ask God to lift her depression, that her medication will work for her.

She starts radiation on July 11 and goes 5 days a week for 7 weeks. But she is through the worst.

Will keep you posted.

Phyllis' Bears

Look what she saw on her deck one morning, they came for the dried fruit and hummingbird we have to take the feeders in every night to discourage them from coming so close.
They act like they own the place. and make themselves very much at home.
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